
Note: Claim your Free Online “Angel Introductory Program” available only for my subscriber. If you have not subscribed to my YouTube channel yet, Subscribe it now and avail the free online course.

Fear and anxiety is an emotion that comes from helplessness when you believe you can’t do anything about what you are facing it causes you anxiety. But generally, it is the results of past experiences,  like theft, abuse (mental, emotional, physical), bullying, childhood trauma, accidents, phobias, toxic relationship etc.

These trapped emotions in our subconscious mind can disturb our present life and so our future. It becomes very important to release these patterns do that in any situation you can become solution orientated.

The Archangels to invoke-

Archangel Michael

Archangel Gabriel

Gabriel gives us the strength to face anything, to take action for our better. By having strength in us we can save ourselves from fear and anxiety to a great extent, he also gives us the strength to release past pain easily. After strength, the assurance of protection gives us to face anything bluntly. Archangel Michael does this when you invoke him you will feel protected. While being protected, the chance of getting infected by new pains become minimum. It’s important to know how to connect with Angels. Random tricks font work with high energies, it has a process. 

For Angel presence in your home, you must make an Angel alter, it can be a small one, but keep it to invite Angels at home. Take the photos of Archangel, keep the stones, crystals, feathers, essential oil fragrances etc. Light a candle daily, pray and feel Angel’s positivity. Make a connection with them. You can write Angel letter to them, I have shared how to write it on my youtube channel. 

You must do Angel meditation before sleeping and after waking up to stay energized and positive throughout the day. Also, the negativity will release from you if you do it before sleep so that you will have quality sleep time.

Let me share a case, A lady approached me and told me her husband’s business is going under the loss from last e years, I advised her Angel course, she did Angel healing for her husband in few weeks the results were visible. Their situation started becoming better, they started attracting better clients and opportunities. At the recent time, their business is at the maximum profit earning. Even in corona, they haven’t got hit so hard., times were challenging but they didn’t face it bad. 

Angels will work in all aspects if you, make good connections with them and pray with a pure heart. For more information watch full video.

Archangel Raphael is associated with our heart chakra, which is the centre of spiritual and material world. As a reiki healer you learn
These things, in Angel Healing you learn about Angel card reading, decoding the Angel messages, automated writing and much interesting things.

Note: Claim your Free Online “Angel Introductory Program” available only for my subscriber. If you have not subscribed to my YouTube channel yet, Subscribe it now and avail the free online course.

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In the Angel Introductory program, you will learn which specific Angel should call to your specific issues, Your which chakra is balanced and which chakra is unbalanced, who are Guardian Angels, Who are Archangels, How can you take help from Angels to make your life better and much more.

MUST-READ – The cost of this course is Rs. 5000 but Free for my subscribers, the people who have subscribed to my channel can fill the form below and WhatsApp to 9971400377 so that I can start their online course. My life purpose is to make your life amazing by giving you an opportunity to become an Angel Channel and take the benefit of earning name and fame, recognition, a lot of money, and blessings too.

If you are facing any challenge related to stress, anxiety, depression, addiction due to broken relationship, future uncertainty, fear of death, Lack of confidence, past painful memory, lack of self worth and lack of self love, loss in business, unemployment. You can book 1-2-1 counselling session with me. Call at 9971400377 and book your session.