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Hey everyone here I am with another interesting topic on Angels. Everyone has some deep desires and dreams that they want to manifest, today I will be sharing some tips through which you can manifest your dreams faster with the help of Angels. There are basic 3 things you have to follow i.e surrender, faith, and healings; let me explain these now.
1) Surrenderance means you just Gave up your all doubts, worries, and desperation to control. You just wish and take the actions that are in your control. You do not question how it will happen, when it will happen, you just surrender to Angels or any other higher source that you believe in. This creates the actual power to manifest better and faster as the universe listens to you without any disturbance. For example, you went in vacation and for the safety of your money you asked Angels to protect your home but at the same time, you are having negative thinking what if my money gets stolen, what if something happens to my house. What you think have higher chances of Manifestation? By surrendering universe gets clear indications of your want and the law of attraction starts working for you.
2) Have faith in Angels, they know your highest good. You must get connected with them and tell your intentions. Many people do mistakes in this process and don’t get the answers to their prayers. I have a video on when Angels don’t reply to your prayers. Go check that video and avoid those mistakes. Believing in them is the best thing you can do for yourself, for example when you are around your parents you feel safe and protected. Similarly, if you get connected with your Guardian Angels, you will feel divine energies around you. The only thing is they need your free will, they won’t interfere without your consent. Try this when you traveling, or have an important event like the marriage of your child, etc. Just invoke them and have faith they will protect you and everything will turn out to beat for you. You will start getting magical experiences.

3) Angel Healings are one of the most powerful energy healings, the problem is most of the people don’t know how to invoke Angels, how to ask them for help, they don’t get connected with Angels or they don’t know the proper process of healings. These Healings should be done regularly to achieve maximum results, I still do it and the results are still magical for me. Before every hop, I do this and this my personal experience that workshops without Healing and with healings have a Huge difference. I always pray to att tract need people and clients that need me and my offerings can change their life. You can use them for your job, business, marriage, relationship, health, education, career, emotional and mental stability, etc.
These 3 processes can change your life by removing all blockages if you do this continuously. If you have any doubts or queries feel free to contact me. For more information on this topic, you can watch my full video.

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In the “21 Days Angel Manifestation  Program”, you will learn which specific Angel should call to your specific issues, Your which chakra is balanced and which chakra is unbalanced, who are Guardian Angels, Who are Archangels, How can you take help from Angels to make your life better and much more.

MUST-READ – The cost of this course is Rs. 5000 but 1038/-  for my subscribers, the people who have subscribed to my channel can fill the form below and WhatsApp to 9971400377 so that I can start their online course. My life purpose is to make your life amazing by giving you an opportunity to become an Angel Channel and take the benefit of earning name and fame, recognition, a lot of money, and blessings too.

If you are facing any challenge related to stress, anxiety, depression, addiction due to broken relationship, future uncertainty, fear of death, Lack of confidence, past painful memory, lack of self worth and lack of self love, loss in business, unemployment. You can book 1-2-1 counselling session with me. Call at 9971400377 and book your session.