- # 1. How did you come to know about Angels first time?
- # 2. When Sneha decided that she should learn Online Basic Angel Course?
- # 3. How Sneha saved early contract termination rent penalty of 9000 dirhams and received back 5000 dirham security deposit
- # 4. I healed husband’s major spinal cord injury in 15 days in with the help of Angel Healing
- # 5. Sneha started receiving best Job Opportunities for herself and her husband
- # 6. Angels arranged money for Sneha for her 9 Step and other Angel courses and receive help easily
- # 7. How Sneha got renewed her visa with a temporary job & easily I got my new apartment
- # 8. Increased Intuition and psychic power in dreams
- # 9. How 9 Step process increased Sneha’s visualizing power and helped her to communicate to Angels
- # 10. How Angel showed Sneha, her life purpose
- # 11. Angels Magic happened in one important day of my life at night 1 a.m.

Meet Sneha Banerjee based out of Dubai, UAE. She is 32 years old and working as an Aviation Professional.
Sneha wanted to achieve her dream house, relocate to other country with her husband, start up her salon and gym business in India and butshe faced sudden job loss for herself and also her husband due to pandemic. It was a major hit for her as the job for herself and her husband was extremely well paid which gave them a lavish lifestyle and also fulfilled all requirement’s of both the families easily. It was also both of their dream organization. This major downfall in career gave birth to anxiety, stress, fear and doubt of money and future uncertainties kept growing.
However, she realized the need for performing Angel healing with the help of learning Basic and Advance Angel Course and continued healing regularly along with regular meditations and using Angel symbols to connect deeply with Angels and divine power every moment to brighten her future.
As a result, Sneha was able to overcome her major fear and doubt (removed the word “HOW” from her life) of getting once again great work opportunities.
- She helped herself and husband to change the complete mindset in regards to future uncertainties.
- She and her husband started receiving amazing and much better paid job opportunities everyday with the help of Angel healing.
- She overcame the overthinking and procrastination nature which she had from many years.
- She was able to receive clarity in her life purpose after doing the course.
- She was able to design her future goals appropriately by invoking Angels and started walking ahead to achieve it.
She received continues divine guidance and protection (financial, mental, spiritual) to take any step in life. (Example: She wanted financial help to do the course and Angels saved her fine of 9000 dirhams and she also received back her refund from the apartment of 5000 dirhams which helped her financially)
She easily connects with the divine Angels for help in every activity of her daily life (Example: Angels helped her husband to stand after 15 days as he had a major injury suddenly on the spinal cord)
Question # 1: How did you come to know about Angels first time?
I did my schooling in a Convent School where praying God and Angels in the church was a daily activity since childhood. In 2018 my mother told me that there is something called Angel course and you should do that for future growth. But I did not listen, When in 2020 pandemic I lost my job, one day when I was talking to my father he told me about Nitin Sir’s video popped up on my father phone and he forwarded it to me. That’s how I started checking videos one after another and finally decided to do start with the Basic Angel Course from Nitin Sir to achieve all my dreams in life.
Question # 2: When did you decide that you should learn Online Basic Angel Course?
After watching Nitin Sir’s YouTube videos I started asking angels about the signs that if really Nitin Sir is correct and really Angel’s presence is there then please show me signs and I made a promise to Angels to immediately take action by enrolling in Nitin Sir’s course. I started having slowly and repetitive thoughts of taking action. At the same time I was trying hard for job and one after another my fear , doubts were increasing each day as no offer for job were there for me or for my husband. I had no control on my emotions. Angel’s also kept on showing me different Angel teachers’ video but no video convinced me other than Nitin Sir’s teaching skills. I made up my mind if I will ever do Angel course it will be only from Ruuhan World. One morning it was a miracle in my life I stood near the window and asked for help to help me come out from stress and fear suddenly I saw a clear image of Arch Angel Michael in cloud and immediately I knew it that it’s my call. I enrolled and started my Basic Angel Course. The journey just kept continuing and I made a promise to myself that I will never stop this journey.
Angel saved my early contract termination rent penalty of 9000 dirhams and received back 5000 dirham security deposit
We wanted to change our apartment to another apartment but we could not leave because the contract was not over. Plus the new apartment we finalized we had to immediately check in or else they won’t keep it for us. The contract said I had to give a penalty of 9000 dirham if I leave early and my deposit will be taken. I had no option other than Angel healing and miraculously I could leave my old apartment, take my new apartment, no penalty was charged, it was completely waived off and I received my full deposit.
I healed husband’s major spinal cord injury in 15 days in with the help of Angel Healing
Last month suddenly my husband got a severe injury in his backbone for which he could not stand or sit. He was only lying down. With the help of Angel healing and symbols he could stand up and move around like before and also my husband after he stood up consulted and took general medication which even the doctor did not charge any money.
Started receiving best Job Opportunities for myself and husband
I always thought that me and my husband had our best and secured job opportunities. I always thought at this age, I had such a secured well paid job in the best organization in the world, But when we lost it we had no option left other than taking Angels help. Even with so much of experience, skills, qualification I was not getting a single opportunity. But with due time and with the help of Angel Healing everyday me and my husband regularly receiving many job opportunities, paying more than what we were paid in our last organization, receiving calls for job from other countries with all benefits. Now we have so many opportunities everyday and even people who were not in touch with us for years are getting in touch with us with new job opportunities.
Angels arranged money for my 9 Step and other Angel courses and receive help easily
I wanted to do the 9step course but I kept on thinking about from where I will bring the money. By saving my money from the penalty Angels helped me and arranged money to get back my refund easily which I used in enrolling into my 9 step course. I was a great miracle in my life.
I got renewed my visa with a temporary job & easily I got my new apartment
I had to move in the new apartment which we chose or else they will give someone else and our visa was expiring. I didn’t know what to do. I started asking help from Angels and to my surprise suddenly I got a temporary job opportunity due to which the company renewed my visa and I could easily take my new desired apartment.
Increased Intuition and Psychic Power in Dreams
Before I could not connect to the divine powers but after doing the 9step course and after learning the process I am able to connect with Angels in dreams and I can see what is about to happen in many cases and easily I can feel the presence of Angels around me anytime.
9 step process increased my Visualizing Power helped me to communicate to Angels
With the help of Nitin Sir’s 9 step course and the daily meditations I was able to see Arch Angel Michael, Arch angel Raphael, Guardian Angels.
Angels showed me my life purpose
I was continuously coming across 999 for several days and I kept asking Angels to tell me and make me understand what my life purpose is. I was travelling in metro and in a crowded metro one man walks up to me and asks help. He told me he is hungry left with no food and wants little help. I immediately understood Angel is answering my life purpose. I managed to buy 1 month grocery for him and fed him food. Nitin Sir’s Angel course changed my life purpose.
Angels Magic happened in one important day of my life at night 1 a.m.
I was preparing sweets for the first time for my husband’s birthday and suddenly the fresh milk started getting bad, I was extremely disappointed. I invoked Angels to help me and within 10 minutes my milk was absolutely fresh like I purchased it just now and I made amazing sweets that day for the first time in life.
Basic and Advance Angel Course and 9 Step Course deleted all my fear and doubt for anything in life, future uncertainties, anxiety, overthinking,unfocused nature, major financial fear. I increased my faith, believe, trust with Nitin Sir’s course.
With my Basic Angel, Advance Angel and 9 step course I deleted all my fear, doubt, anxiety of losing anything from life. I got over overthinking and procrastinating attitude. I started taking action for everything in life. The course helped me to let go things and work on my faith, believe, trust.
Fear of Future Uncertainties and insecurities – Since job was my only source of income after losing it, I realized my fear of future uncertainties and insecurities kept increasing day by day which was bringing more tension and stress. After Nitin Sir’s course I am like a free bird now without any stress, without any insecurity, no tension, no insecurity in life. Sir’s course gave me a new life with full of magic. It has taught me the Let Go factor under any situation and build the faith, trust in the Divine Angels.
No Life Purpose – I had no clarity in my life that why am I here on this earth and after doing Angel Course from Nitin Sir I know my Life Purpose, I know my goals and I know how to achieve it and to do all this I took action which helped me today to live a peaceful life.
Not Getting Job – I was not getting any job offers after losing my job and also same for my husband. But after the Angel Healings and using Angel Symbols job offers are flooding in our life. There are people who are calling us and giving us job offers now. This is the magic happening in our life after doing the Angel course from Nitin Sir.
Stress & Anxiety – Stress and Anxiety grew in my life after losing my permanent job. I had no control on my stress and anxiety, because of this I started having fear for future insecurities. After doing Nitin Sir’s 9 step course I easily removed all my stress, anxiety, and my fear of future insecurity.
No Clarity – What to do, how to do, why to do and when to do – I had no clarity on my life goals. I only had vague goals and never took action in any direction to start achieving my goals. After I took the course all the 3 W’s from my life was deleted and never thought about “HOW” I only take action and have a clarity of my goals and purpose in life.
I could never Let Go anything from life specially anything close to heart – Nitin Sir’s Angel course taught me how to Let Go off any unwanted thoughts which was disrupting my life. It was very difficult for me. But with the help of Angels and Sir’s course I easily took control on my emotions and easily quickly I can immediately Let go anything which is not meant for me.
Procastination: I always delayed my actions in everything. It was badly stuck in my nature. Sometimes it got me into trouble. Even though I wanted to remove still I could not. But Nitin Sir’s course completely removed the procastination from my life.
Fear of failing: This was a major issue in me where my entire body system used to shut down if I ever tried to do something and I failed in it, whether it is getting job, exam or relationship failure. I used to get completely shut down for few days and would take time to come out of it. This issue has miraculously vanished from my life after doing Angel Course from Nitin Sir.
Never Celebrated for failure in Life: Nitin Sir’s Angel course taught me to celebrate in every moment in life even after failing and losing anything. This celebration has changed my life and brought more opportunities and happiness and a strong feeling of fulfillment in life.
My Life is full is celebration with the help of Nitin Sir’s Basic Angel Course, Advance Angel Course and 9 step process. These courses are a basic necessity in my life. I cannot spend a single day without meditation and connection with Angels. I am achieving fulfillment in life. I am manifesting everything that I want. I am confident to control my life. I see magic happening in my Life every day. Miracles are part of my life daily. Every person should experience this FULFILLED LIFE with faith and trust and only Nitin Sir’s Course is the key to a miraculous life. I am thankful and grateful to my Angels for choosing me for this journey and heartful of gratitude to Nitin Sir for giving the key to success for a magical life.
I get so many queries from people like how to talk with Angels, Is it safe to talking to my angel, how to talk to Guardian Angel, Is there any process of talking to your guardian angel, If we learn the process online is it possible to talk to your guardian angel online, how to communicate with Angels, What are Angel Communication numbers, How Angels communicating through numbers, What are the ways Angels Communicate with you, How to connect with Angels, Is it possible to connecting with your Angels. The Answer of the above questions are Online Basic Angel Course
How Can I enrol myself in Online Basic Angel Course? Click Here
If you have any queries related to Angels, you can Connect me on 9971400377 or whatsapp me at 9971400377